Online training and films
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy – APEC Virtual Learning
APEC’s e-learning course – Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy – has been recently updated and carries CPD accreditation.It is designed for midwives, doctors and healthcare professionals caring for women with raised blood pressure in pregnancy.
Global Health Media Project
What People Say Read More Watch Our Videos Handwashing DOES Save Lives.
Medical Aid Films
Medical Aid Films uses innovative media to transform the health and wellbeing of women and children around the world.
How to use a CRADLE VSA (community health workers)
A film introducing the CRADLE VSA, a new device for measuring vital signs during pregnancy. This film shows how to check blood pressure and heart rate using the CRADLE VSA.
Understanding respectful maternity care
This film demonstrates the importance of giving respectful care to women during childbirth, and follows the seven points of the White Ribbon Alliance’s Universal Rights of Childbearing Women Charter.